Abous Us

a patient
Our Dental Clinic is dedicated to providing the most up to date general, orthodontic and family dentistry.
Our Clinic has grown to provide a world class facility for the treatment of tooth loss, dental cosmetics and advanced restorative dentistry.
We are among the most qualified implant providers in the USA with over 35 years of quality training and experience.
Our Advantages
Accepting Insurance
Our clinic can easily accept the customers with insurance cards and create the history of cases for each.
Using Innovative
All our surgeries are furnished with state of the art equipment and maintained at the highest standards.
Guarantee Success
of Treatments
Most of our treatments are covered by a long term guarantee which will be discussed with you before beginning treatment.
Certified Dentist
With over 30 years of dental experience and experience with implants, we are experts in all facets of dentistry.
Success Stories
Our Happy Clients
La competenza, la professionalità e la cortesia sono le qualità di tutto lo staff. Ho provato personalmente le cure del dottor Vallone e successivamente ne hanno giovato mia moglie e mia figlia di 10 anni con eccellenti risultati.
Professionalità e cortesia di tutto lo staff ti colpiscono da subito, poi ne apprezzi l’operato grazie anche ai materiali utilizzati ed alle tecnologie all’avanguardia. Infine quando vedi i risultati sei certa di aver fatto la scelta giusta.
Al di là della professionalità, riconosciuta e consolidata negli anni. lo studio del dottor Vallone si distingue per la cordialità del suo staff. E un sorriso insieme ad una calorosa accoglienza fanno sicuramente la differenza !
Ho avuto fiducia sin dall’inizio. Il dott. Vallone e tutto il suo staff mi hanno ascoltata ed assieme abbiamo potuto concordare gli interventi necessari. Grazie
Our Team

Il Dott. Annunziato Andrea Vallone nasce a Vibo Valentia. Si laurea a Bari in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria nel 2007.
Direttore Sanitario di una struttura privata in Terlizzi per 8 anni
Online Appointment
Price List
Inlays restoration
An inlay is a restoration which lies inside the cusps of the tooth
$1,190$1,020Fixed Implant
A fixed overdenture is attached to your jaw with dental implants. The advantage of this system is that you only need 4-6 implants to replace all the teeth on your upper or lower jaw.
$779$659Oral Health Consultation
If you are looking for the best long-term, healthy option to replacing missing teeth look no further than implant supported overdentures.
$80$55Seduta standard
The teeth whitening process involves the use of a bleaching agent, which is applied directly to the teeth to lighten them through a chemical process.
€ 90€ 75
Seduta standard
The teeth whitening process involves the use of a bleaching agent, which is applied directly to the teeth to lighten them through a chemical process.
€ 90€ 75
Fixed Implant
A fixed overdenture is attached to your jaw with dental implants. The advantage of this system is that you only need 4-6 implants to replace all the teeth on your upper or lower jaw.
Inlays restoration
An inlay is a restoration which lies inside the cusps of the tooth
$1,190$1,020Oral Health Consultation
If you are looking for the best long-term, healthy option to replacing missing teeth look no further than implant supported overdentures.